Pulsa sobre las majorettes ochenteras para ir al PODCAST:
Y esta fue la lista de canciones de la semana:
01. Nacho Cano - Sintonía ‘Cine Club’
[BSO RTVE, 1990]
02. J. Geils Band - Fright night
[BSO "Fright night", 1985]
03. Fela Johnson - Dancing with a monster
[EP "Fela Johnson", 1981]
04. Terrence Mann - Power of the night
[BSO "Critters", 1986]
05. Oingo Boingo - No one lives forever
["Dead man's party", 1985]
06. LaMarca - Hold on blue eyes
[BSO "The wraith", 1986]
07. Dolby's Cube, Cherry Bomb - Howard the Duck
[BSO "Howard the Duck", 1986]
08. SSQ - Tonight (We'll make love until we die)
[BSO "The return of the living dead", 1985]
09. Ian Hunter - Good man in a bad time
[BSO "Fright night", 1985]
10. The Wolf Sisters - Big bad wolf
[BSO "Teen wolf", 1985]
11. The Fibonaccis - Terror vision
[BSO "Terrorvision", 1986]
12. Bone Symphony - One foot in front of the other
[BSO "Revenge of the nerds", 1984]
13. Siouxsie & The Banshees - Halloween
["Juju", 1981]
14. Al Stewart - Mondo Sinistro
[single 'Mondo Sinistro / Merlin’s time', 1980]
(Durante la charla, sonaron otras 14 temas incidentales de bandas sonoras escogidos por Barsen.
Si quieres saber el título de alguno de ellos, manifiéstate.)

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